Game Rates

Jodi Digits

10 RS KA 950 Rs

Andar Digits

10 RS KA 95 Rs

Bahar Digits

10 RS KA 95 Rs

Crossing Digits

10 RS KA 950 Rs


Pushpa 10:00


Desawer 21:00


Gali 13:45


Gaziabad 13:15


Faridabad 13:00


Delhi Bazar 00:00


Baazigar 10:00


Maharaja 10:30


Big Boss 08:00


Diamond 08:00


Frequently asked questions?

What is galibaazi ?

galibaazi Is A Satta Matka Gamming App Where You Can Play Games And Win Jackpot.

Populer Satta Matka Games Like DESAWER, GALI, GAZIABAAD, FARIDABAD, DELHI BAZAR & Baazigar.

In galibaazi We Allow 500.00 Rs/- Deposit and 500.00 Rs/- Withdrawals.

galibaazi Is The Most Trusted Gaming Provider Worldwide.

Players need to be 18+ in order to register. Underage gambling is prohibited.

Our website is operated by Sara International, a company established under the law of Isle of Man, with registered address at 1-10 Ballanoa Meadow IM4-2HT, Isle Of Man, and having its gaming sublicense issued by Isle of Man e-Gaming and all rights to operate the gaming software worldwide.